YWCA Racial Justice Event


The YWCA of Northwest Ohio Racial Justice Department holds monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars and Book Discussions around the topic of eliminating racism. The series of Lunch & Learns focus on health equity and disparities. The YWCA Racial Justice Department was awarded funding from Fostering Healthy Communities, a collaboration among Mercy Health, ProMedica, and the University of Toledo Medical Center. These free lunch & learns are a core part of the community health improvement plan in partnership with Healthy Lucas County. Guest Speakers from community organizations are featured every month based on the varying topics.

January’s YWCA Racial Justice Lunch Learn will be held on Friday January 27, 2023 from 11:30AM-1:00PM via Zoom. The topic is, “Community Solutions to Food Insecurity and Health Outcomes.” Representatives from the following organizations will be presenting: Connecting Kids to Meals, Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio, Toledo Grows, Food for Thought, Salem Lutheran Church/Cooking Up Change, OSU Extension and SAME Cafe. Pre-register through following link: bit.ly/FOODEQUITY

The YWCA of Northwest Ohio Virtual Book Discussion Group is free and open to all adults featuring themes of racial and social justice. Every book chosen is available in all formats at the Toledo Lucas County Library. Join the YWCA for January’s Racial Justice Book Discussion which will be held on Monday January 30, 2023 from 6:00-7:00 pm via Zoom. The Selected book for January is, “Driving While Black: African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights” by Gretchen Sorin. In Driving While Black, the acclaimed historian Gretchen Sorin reveals how the car―the ultimate symbol of independence and possibility―has always held particular importance for African Americans, allowing black families to evade the many dangers presented by an entrenched racist society and to enjoy, in some measure, the freedom of the open road. This book also adapted into a PBS Documentary. Sign up today: bit.ly/drivingblack

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