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Pastor Cal Exposes Married at First Sight Casting Crazies
Whether you love him on Married at First Sight, or you're looking for some sort of relationship advice, this conversation with Pastor Cal is for you! We get right to the truth of the casting of the show- are they PURPOSELY picking people who are bound to be a dramatic problem? Where does he come in?
We're also getting advice for people who think the dating pool in their city sucks, or they're burnt out on the apps... plus what about being burnt out in your marriage?! His first steps to get your excitement back!
Lauv is embracing a life he never imagined- creating songs for Pixar, and being sober. We're diving into why he's gone sober and what his plans are for it... plus- lots of details of how a Pixar movie and soundtrack comes together, and the changes that are made in a short amount of time!
It's one of my favorite chats in a while, so enjoy!
We're turning into our moms
This one's for the MOMS! But instead of just giving them all of the love, we're admitting the things we've noticed about ourselves that definitely come from them! We're also talking about a murderer mom, a mom who spent $50,000 on her son's birthday party, cloning EB's mom's voice, and what Zac's mom said that infuriated him!
Plus, the weekly S#!* You Need To Know and Happy Ending!
Zac is comin in hot after an invitation to his sister's bridal shower on his birthday! Does he have to go? Can he show up extra?! We're hearing from people leaving us talkback messages! PLUS: elizabethany wants to talk about weddings, if money wasn't a thing. What would we all incorporate?! Also: accepting freebies from strangers, gross things we can sell to make money, and a debate- is RENTER you different from OWNER you?!
A couple weeks after EB's fire incident, Zac wanted to be just like her and caught his yard on fire.. while elizabethany was meeting her swinger neighbors. Hear how she found out about them! Plus: we're helping someone decide if they should go on vacation or home to their dying grandfather, debating if we'd watch our partner's sex scenes, and hearing the money tip that made elizabethany sick this week.
elizabethany's baby is going to be implanted later than planned, and we're talking about why! We're also going through all of the things psychologists say should be said DAILY in relationships! Plus: a website that tells you everywhere your photo exists on the internet, how to find single people at a bar, and parents admit the "bad parenting" they do!
EB and Zac both had busy weeks... with Zac's first night in drag, and elizabethany's first house fire! We're talking about how both went down, AND fighting over if a caller should feel bad about what went down at his bachelor party. Plus: would you rather have a house or the perfect body? and why we're giving up the dream of having a reality show.
As always, the $#!t You Need to Know and the Happy Ending of the week!
*this is an edited down version of the show that you can hear nationwide on iHeartRadio stations Sunday mornings!**
elizabethany's life continues to be chaotic, as she shares some of the DIY projects she's attempting in her new house! Also: have you ever found out your friend was actually a terrible person? It's unfortunate how many of these stories we get. Plus we're clarifying some modern terms, concert etiquette, and whether or not you should keep some things from your partner- like one woman's secret that she learned from her mother in law.
elizabethany met her surrogate for the first time! Next stop: embryo transfer! We're also talking about looking for red AND green flags, and why EB is doing it wrong... and what does Zac [and our callers] wish they could tell their partners without them getting mad?! + Spring break stories, a man auctioning his sperm, and more!
We're in FULL advice-giving mode this week! After Zac needed EB's help in handling his future in-laws' drama, we also help two others who have real life crises- finding a sketchy search on a partner's phone, and leaving a family behind to move across country! Plus: The BRILLIANT way a lottery winner is spending his money, and can you tell someone to surprise you?!