

Sisanie is co-host of Ryan Seacrest's show On Air With Ryan on KIIS FM Los Angeles' Hit Music radio station from 5am-10am.Full Bio


Have You Heard About These "Hugging Robbers?"

Mysterious woman cheating on her partner

Photo: Antonio_Diaz / iStock / Getty Images

If a random woman came up to you on the street…asking for a hug…what would you do?

Two people have been arrested in connection with an attempted robbery in Orange County…and authorities are warning So Cal residents to be

vigilant of approaching strangers who appear to want a hug.

One incident was a male driver who parked his vehicle in front of his driveway while a female approached him with arms out for a hug and attempted to forcibly rob him of a gold chain around his neck.

They eventually arrested her and when they searched her car they found fifty pieces of jewelry belonging to different victims.

The PSA is to remain “cautious of strangers approaching you for any reason.” AND be on the lookout for “HUGGING ROBBERS”

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