Vont's Weekend In 5 Pics: (9/20/24-9/22/24)

Saturday started off as a bum day for us. I slept on and off until about 2pm but then Alyssa and I got up and went to lunch. Then I took her to Bde Maka Ska and we ALMOST went canoe-ing but neither of us were dressed appropriately for it. We walked for like a good hour which was much needed.

Sunday morning, Alyssa and I found a new cafe in Uptown called 'Parcelle'. It was actually really good but got crowded quick because there was a cookbook signing happening.

Today is my youngest sister, Layla's, birthday and I'm so upset I'm missing it. I Facetime'd her first thing this morning and she told me she wants me to buy her a rubber band loom kit. Is this what 9-year old's play with these days? She showed me a bracelet she already made and she's actually pretty good.

After procrastinating ALL day and living in our apartment for two months, we finally made our way to the gym in our building. It's literally one floor below us and this is our first time going but we did it. Going to the gym always feels agonizing until you actually get there. Let's see if I can make this a regular thing.

My baby did her THANG tonight with dinner. She made chicken cutlets with arroz con habichuelas (rice with beans) and this was her first time making the rice this way and it was DELISHHHH. I have my Puerto Rican queen bringing a taste of home to Minnesota and honestly it just feels good to know I have my best friend here taking care of me the same way I take care of her.

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